Looking to adopt a cat? Our cat and kitten adoption center in Deerfield Beach just south of Boca Raton is purrfect for Broward and Palm Beach County matchmaking!
Make Feline Friends your first choice in South Florida for quality cat and kitten adoptions. We are volunteer run, non-profit, 501c3 organization. All of the cats in our adoption center are rescued.
Cat adoptions are done Monday – Saturday at our adoption center in Deerfield Beach. Our facility is everything a cat's home should be since, right now, we are their home. It is clean, tranquil, and fun. Adoptions are where we shine. We really know the individual personalities of each one of our kitties and can help you find your purrfect soul mate.
We are funded entirely by private donations and small grants. If you would like to help us continue our work, please remember us throughout the year with your 100% tax deductible donations, and include us in your trusts and bequests.
If you are looking to rehome your cat, please read this before proceeding.
Please note our adoption center is full and we cannot accept any cats. Cats dumped at our facility risk being sent to animal control.

- We are partnering with Amazon Smile! Have fun, shop and help the kitties with one easy step!
- What to Do (and NOT Do) If You Find a Newborn Kitten
- Great Article: Top ten reasons cats need to rehome their humans!
- Are you looking for a furry friend? Look no further than Feline Friends, check out our adoptable cats here!
- Everything you wanted to know about TNR (Trap Neuter Return) and were afraid to ask!Great slideshow
- Learn about our Partnership with Chewy - Each new sign up donates $20 to Feline Friends